One of You

Searching for ways to say

That I am not one of you.

I stumble, I falter, I can't walk away,

Still I am not one of you.

If I could shut up you'd ask me to stay,

But as it is now I get in the way,

'Cause I am not one of you.

I know who you want me to be,

But I am not one of you.

Maybe one day you'll see

That's not who I'll ever be.

And if ever you feel like me,

These waves would wash over you so easily.

Then you'd know why I just can't stay,

But then again,

I can't walk away.

Still, I won't be one of you.

I have what I want, I have what I need,

I declare my beliefs, I live by my creed.

It's not wholly the life that I want to lead,

But life is a compromise, and my seed

Of testimony has sprouted a weed.

Lo and behold, I see that I need

To declare day by day, in word and in deed,

I don't want to be one of you.

In the process of going away,

I know that you'll say

It's so sad that I stray.

I bought the stories- I paid.

I must sleep in the bed I have made.

And I can sleep sound, unafraid,

'Cause I'll never be one of you.

So the time passes, and so my weed grows,

The truth of it all is that God only knows.

The purpose of life I can only suppose,

But I truly prefer my weed to your rose.


HEResy: Exploring Authoritarianism in the Church


Harmful Effects of LDS Culture on Young Women