A Vanished Object

“Where do vanished objects go?”

“Into non-being, that is to say, everything.”

If God is an object, she is vanished.

But, she is a being, She is everything.

I see Her

In the trees, in a child’s laugh

And in an old man’s aged and open smile

I see her in the bird craning its neck for a fish

Just over there

I see God in the buildings, human-made

By the mind of God

I see her in the eyes of my long-beloved

Filled with a wide and deep memory

Just out of reach

God sees me

in the freckles on my arms

The flash of my fleeting smile

And the rumble of my feet on her graveled ground

Look, I say

God is there

In the wind beneath your hair

She is there too, in the ladybug on your hand

In the rustling of the leaves

God is here, not lost

Only vanished from our eyes

Waiting to be found


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