An Update to the General Handbook
fifteen old men sit around a table
talking in depth about what to do
what to do about the problem
all over the internet
in every person's mind
one man has a message from God
maybe two men, maybe even three or four.
God is a notes app full of phrases like
"genitals decide what camp kids should go to"
"i don't understand feeling like another gender"
"data about transitioning preventing suicide is a lie"
four more men get messages from God
when the first four start the conversation
more and more they agree
that the trans kids are the problem
and not the complacent bishops and abusers
two more men get messages from God
when the Proclamation gets discussed
and another when the old men
start to chat about sexual deviants
and the body parts of kids
three more men get messages from God
and agree that grown adults should be treated
like the pedophiles they readmit,
and chaperoned to the bathroom
(when even the criminals aren't
in a church full of kids)
one old man remained with no message from God
who believes in loving his neighbor—
but unison is required and he is being watched
even though a girl at a boy's camp
would be a dangerous eventuality
one man pretends he has a message from God
because he wasn't brave enough
to say that it was wrong
and now there is an addendum
to tell people that God made them to be sinners
one young man sits
tears in his eyes
reading that addendum
and believing his existence, unto God, is a crime.