Poem Collaged Together From Real Conversations Had While On Dates With Girls From BYU

Anyways, what’s your 

family like? Mine’s not too bad, considering the 

circumstances. Here, I’ll pay. No, no, it really is my turn to pay, let me get this. Also—I know this place, it’s technically on campus, at least I think, 

but I’m okay to go if you are. I can’t 

find my wallet. Shoot, give me a minute. 

But right, family stuff. You’re lucky you didn’t 

grow up here. My dad’s a bishop, so we don’t talk 

about it. I saw your bumper sticker, that’s brave, 

isn’t it? What do you do 

when you visit home? I have a friend that has cover-up stickers for her car, kind of like a bandaid you’d put on a tattoo before an interview. Same thing. Man, I swear 

I had it here somewhere. Do you mind paying? 

I promise I’ll get it next time, my bad, really. Still new to this—but I think that if I asked you, then I really should be paying. I’ll send you the money once I get back to my apartment. Where? Oh, it’s this place near the edge 

of campus, I have a cat, I’d love to show you, but my roommates— you know how it is. Can we go to your place? No? 

Wait, hold on, drop my hand, those guys are staring— No, right behind you, 

the real blonde ones—okay, now we’re good. 

Oh right, where to next. Do you like the public library? We could hang out, I mean, spend time there. Perfect date material, if you know what I mean. I mean, 

I think, 

I think I know what I mean. And besides, 

that would solve the wallet problem—



An Email I Sent Home


Sex Lives of College Mormons